658公里、阳子的旅途是一部剧情片,42 岁的阳子很久以前就放弃了自己的梦想和生活,她把自己与世界其他地方隔绝,在家做在线客服,从不离开自己的小公寓。当她收到早就疏远了的父亲去世的消息时,她的堂兄强迫她离开房间,与家人一起乘车回家,这是二十年来她第一次回家。然而,阳子最终独自一人留在了高速公路的休息站……没有手机也没有足够的钱乘坐公共交通,阳子别无选择,只能搭车去参加她父亲的葬礼。
Given up her dream and life long ago, Yoko has been socially isolated for years and barely leaves her tiny apartment. When she receives the news of her estranged father's death, she is forced to leave the room and ride with her cousin to return home for the first time in 20 years. However, Yoko ends up left alone in the highway rest stop... Now, without a cell phone nor enough money for public transportation, Yoko has no choice but to hitch some rides in order to make it to her father's funeral.
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658公里,阳子的旅途.658km.Yoko.No.Tabi.2023.简繁英. | 简体中文字幕,繁體中文字幕,English字幕 | SRT |